A few years ago, HAE Canada’s Past President, Jacquie Badiou, realized that HAEC would benefit from gaining accreditation from Imagine Canada, a national organization that helps not-for-profit organizations become and remain effective, accountable, and productive. Since then, she, along with past volunteers from the Governance Committee, Board member Kerstyn Lane and staff member, Daphne Dumbrille, have worked closely with Heather Dow from Events and Management Plus to demonstrate to Imagine Canada that HAEC fulfills the necessary requirements for accreditation, such as excellence in Board governance and financial accountability.

We are extremely proud to report that our hard work has paid off and we have officially received accreditation. Special thank yous go to Heather, Kerstyn, Jacquie, Daphne, Michelle Cooper, HAEC President, and our treasurer, Carmen Craciun, for working diligently to achieve this goal. HAE Canada has always remained accountable to our members; and thanks to Imagine Canada’s accreditation, it’s now official.